Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lions Reach Out seeking prom dresses

Prom season is rapidly approaching, and our junior and senior high school students are looking forward to the big event. However, there are some girls who do not have the financial means to purchase a formal dress for the occasion.

Lions Reach Out is asking for donations of gently used prom dresses in hopes of providing these girls with a beautiful dress to wear to this year's Prom.

Dresses of all sizes are being accepted, and there is a need for some larger sizes as well (women's 14-24). If you have a dress or dresses that you would like to donate, you can drop them off in the high school office any time between now and toward the end of April.

This year's Prom is on May 7, so it would be great to get in a nice selection of dresses early enough so the girls will have plenty of time to get shoes and other accessories.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Mrs. Sue Griffin at or you can call her at the high school: 553-3101, ext. 10204.