Monday, May 10, 2010

Preschool screening schedule

NREVSD Preschool Screening
for the 2010-2011 School Year

What is it?
Screening is a process conducted by preschool teachers and support staff to identify 3 and 4 year old children in the New Richmond School District, who may be eligible to attend our preschool program.

Where do I go?
All screening will be conducted at New Richmond Elementary. Families should enter in the main doors (under the awning) by the office and follow the arrows to classroom 200 to register.

For children from the New Richmond area:
For children from the Monroe area:
For children from the Locust Corner area:

Date Time
May 25, 2010 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
May 26, 2010 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
May 27, 2010 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

What to bring?
In addition to your child, you will need to bring the following paperwork:

* Copy of the child’s birth certificate
* Social security card
* Immunization record
* Custody papers (if applicable)
* A copy of one of the following for income verification:

1. W-2
2. Payroll statement
3. Tax forms
4. AFDC case number
5. Food stamp case number

* A copy of one of the following for address verification:
1. Phone bill
2. Electric Bill
3. Current driver’s license

Helpful Hints
Do bring all the required paperwork, if you do not have your child’s Birth certificate and Social Security card order them now. No child will be admitted into the program without a Birth Certificate and Social Security card.

Do consider the time of day you attend screening. If your child is a morning person, attend in the morning. If your child is happier in the afternoon, attend after lunch.

Do bring your child to screening well fed and well rested.

Do have only one adult attend the screening with your child. This adult may be a parent or grandparent, however, we ask that you consider closely how well your child will separate and cooperate with the adult who brings them to screening.

Do leave siblings at home. We have limited space and the elementary school students are still in session. We need to be respectful of the learning that will be taking place in the building.
Do prepare your child. Talk to him/her many times about what will happen on screening day. If a child knows what to expect, they will be less fearful and the experience will be fun. Explain to your child what a “big” boy/girl they have become and how fun going to school will be. Meeting new adults is scary for many children; speak to your child about meeting the teachers in school, and how excited we are to meet and play games with them.


Call: Erika Hauke 553-3181 x 15206