Friday, September 28, 2012

Lions Reach Out cares for NRHS

Small charity provides for needy students 

 It comes as no great surprise to anyone that with the downfall in the economy comes a much greater need for charitable organizations to step in and help needy families. The New Richmond community is no exception to this sad economic trend.

 Lions Reach Out is a non-profit organization, registered with the state of Ohio, and a 501c3 charity that provides Christmas gifts for needy students at New Richmond High School, as well as providing help for those students for Prom, Homecoming, Graduation and other events.

 Lions Reach Out is a small charity and does not provide huge or extravagant gifts for the students it serves. Rather, the organization tries to fill some small needs of high school students by helping them enjoy special events or activities at school or providing clothing when it’s needed.

 Lions Reach Out is supported by donations from NRHS faculty, the New Richmond community and the NRHS PTO. The organization’s bank account is at the River Hills Bank and donations can be made there at any time.

The NRHS Student Council Walkathon, held every November, is a fundraiser for the organization and will take place this year on the Friday before Thanksgiving. Student Council members are asked to collect pledge donations in and around the community. The daytime high school talent show is also a fundraiser for Lions Reach Out. We are also planning a fundraiser pep rally that will be held the day before Thanksgiving break.

This year, we will be helping NRHS students in the holiday season, giving them clothing, personal items and other Christmas gifts. The organization has also provided help for a few of our athletes already this season.

 It is anticipated that the number of students needing help for the holiday season, as well as for other events during the school year, will increase and to make sure that these students are taken care of, Lions Reach Out is asking for some help from the community.

 Cash donations can be made at any time at River Hills Bank, or can be mailed directly to the organization. Lions Reach Out would also appreciate donations of new NR spirit wear and new make-up and bath and body products. Donations can be taken at any time during the school day at New Richmond High School. 

For more information about Lions Reach Out, contact Sue Griffin at 553-3191, x10204 or email at