Thursday, May 10, 2012

Career Day at Monroe Elementary

Monroe Elementary held its Career Day Thursday, May 10 with 10 speakers talking to the school's 4th, 5th and 6th grade classes about their career opportunities.

The speakers included Monroe Township fire chief Tom Marck, Cincinnati Reds promotions director Patrick McGrath, toy designer Andy Herrmann, pilot Scott Hefren, woodcarvers Cliff Reeder and Bob Manning, nurse Gayle Heintzelman, advertising specialist Jennifer Crowley and youth minister Brian Mitchell and TV reporter Laura Borchers.

Monroe Township fire chief Tom Marck (center) and Monroe EMS members Beth Cameron and Billy Haynes talk to Monroe Elementary students on Career Day.
Cincinnati Reds Promotions director Patrick McGrath discusses his job with Monroe Elementary students on Career Day.

Monroe Elementary teacher Jill Blauwkamp is pictured with Mr. Cliff Reeder, a 90-year-old World War II veteran and woodcarver who spoke to Monroe Elementary students about his craft on Career Day.